
Posts Tagged ‘data science’

Because when we sit down and think about a problem, when we take the time to not only understand what our feature space “is” and what it “implies” in the real-world — then we are acting like machine learning scientists. Otherwise, we [are] just a bunch of machine learning engineers, blindly performing black box learning and operating a set of R, MATLAB, and Python libraries.

The takeaway is this: machine learning isn’t a tool. It’s a methodology with a rational thought process that is entirely dependent on the problem we are trying to solve.

Get off the deep learning bandwagon and get some perspective – PyImageSearch

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On Data Science:

The word Data tells you that I transform raw information into actionable information. The word Scientist emphasizes my commitment to making sure that the analyses my colleagues and I produce are verifiable and repeatable—as all good science should be.

Not sure I agree on the whole argument in the post, but the definition of data science is the best I have seen so far.

Melinda Thielbar

“Any field of study followed by the word “science”, so goes the old wheeze, is not really a science, including computer science, climate science, police science, and investment science.”—Ray Rivera, Forbes Magazine

I too have engaged in my fair share of hand-wringing over “data science”, how the term is used and mis-used, the high quantity of snake oil available, and some generally sloppy practices that seem to be becoming the norm in the internet’s new data-based gold rush.

However, as my mama used to say, “I can beat up on my brothers all I want, but you, sir, are not family.”

Data, harnessed for good, is going to transform our world and the way we do business. People who understand data, the mathematics of how data streams relate to each other, and how computers interact with that data, are going to be indispensable to this process. I don’t always…

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Person that does not know how machine learning works,
but knows what to do when machine learning does not work.

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